
Online Figures

In this section, you can find the online Figures of the paper titled Bayesian Networks and Causal Inference for the Interpretation of Patients’ Symptom Experience. If you are viewing this from github you can find its html form in the following link.

The following list of interactive Bayesian Networks, ran on the same set of cancer symptom data. The complete dataset consisted of 38 different symptoms collected from 1328 cancer patients. Inside this dataset, there were 295 male and 1033 female cancer patients. There were, also, 958 cancer patients below the age of 65 and 370 cancer patients above the age of 65. Symptom occurrence rates are summarised in online Figures 1 through 5.

The 38 cancer symptoms represented in the graphs below are coded in the following fashion: difcon: Difficulty Concentrating, pain: Pain, energy: Lack of Energy, cough: Cough, nervous: Feeling Nervous, hotflash: Hot Flashes, drymouth: Dry Mouth, nausea: Nausea, drowsy: Feeling Drowsy, numb: Numbness or Tingling in Hands or Feet, chest: Chest Tightness, difbreath: Difficulty Breathing, difsleep: Difficulty Sleeping, bloat: Feeling Bloated, urinate: Problems with Urination, vomit: Vomitting, sob: Shortness of Breath, diarrhea: Diarrhea, sad: Feeling Sad, sweats: Sweats, sexual: Problems with Sexual Interest or Activity, worry: Worrying, itch: Itching, appetite: Lack of Appetite, abdominal: Abdominal Cramps, increaseapp: Increased Appetite, wtgain: Weight Gain, dizzy: Dizziness, swallow: Difficulty Swallowing, irritable: Feeling Irritable, mouthsore: Mouth Sore, wtloss: Weight Loss, hairloss: Hair Loss, constipat: Constipation, swelling: Swelling, taste: Change in the Way Food Tastes, myself: I Do Not Look Like Myself, skin: Changes in Skin.

Online Figure 1. Frequency of occurrence of the 38 symptoms for all of the cancer patients (n=1328)

Online Figure 2. Frequency of occurrence of the 38 symptoms for the male cancer patients (n=295)

Online Figure 3. Frequency of occurrence of the 38 symptoms for the female cancer patients (n=1033)

Online Figure 4. Frequency of occurrence of the 38 symptoms for the cancer patients of <65 years of age (n=958)

Online Figure 5. Frequency of occurrence of the 38 symptoms for the cancer patients of >65 years of age (n=370)

The networks were created by the symptom dimension of occurrence. The size of nodes represent the prevalence of each symptom in our dataset, among the 1328 cancer patients. The width of the edges are proportional to the strength that symptoms connect with each other, based on the conditional probabilities identified with the BN algorithm.

By clicking on a node you can see its markov blanket, meaning the specific symptom with its parents and children. You can see the same markov blanket by selecting a symptom in the menu on the left.

You can move each node in the diagram by click and drag. To deselect it click on the white space of the diagram. To restart the diagram refresh the page.

A. In the list below you will find the application and comprarison of Grow-Shrink, Hill Climbing, Max-Min Hill Climbing BN algorithms on the complete dataset of cancer patients (n=1328):

B. In the list below you will find, as a case study, the application of BNs on 4 different subgroups of cancer patients based on their gender and age (i.e., male vs female, < 65 versus > 65 years of age).